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The Altona/Rhineland RNIP Program is now closed and is not accepting applications at this time.


Employer Eligibility 

To be eligible to participate, employers must:

  • Be located within the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland and the job duties must take place within the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland

  • Have considered Canadians and Permanent Residents first to fill the job. To ensure SEED is focusing on the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland’s greatest economic opportunities and best chances for candidate retention, employers in industries that are not listed in our community specific criteria must contact Regional Connections Employment Services with their job postings for a minimum of 60 days prior to considering hiring through the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot program.

  • Not be known to be in violation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) and/or provincial employment standards

Employer Requirements

Eligible employers must also agree to the following requirements: 

  • Provide the applicant with a job offer using Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s Offer of Employment Form (which can be provided by SEED)

  • Must formally connect the applicant with another employee (in a mentorship role) within the workplace for a minimum of six months

  • Must have a company representative pick up the applicant and their family when they first arrive in Winnipeg and bring them to Altona/Rhineland

  • Must demonstrate a commitment to establishing newcomer friendly practices in the workplace, if they do not already exist


Next Steps

If your business meets the eligibility criteria and you are willing to agree to the employer requirements, please contact Stephanie Harris at SEED to schedule an employer pre-screening meeting!

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